Victoria, a 16-year-old who lacked a high school diploma or equivalent, determined traditional schooling wasn’t working for her. Upon this realization, she knew she needed to find a program to help her with basic education obtainment.

Victoria enrolled in an alternative school in January 2020, quickly progressing through the curriculum in the self-paced program. She was doing so well she wanted to pursue employment opportunities. Victoria earned a work experience position at a local business. When COVID-19 appeared, Victoria experienced many changes, her classes transitioned to online, and her work experience was on hold due to the requirement to close non-essential businesses.

Meanwhile, the Weld County Foodbank was in crisis and needed volunteers to help prepare meals and emergency food boxes for those lacking food securities during the Stay-at-Home order. Victoria could not pass up the opportunity to serve. She finished her high school curriculum and graduated in April 2020, which is also the same day she became a local hero and started working at the Weld Food Bank.

“I’d rather be out helping people than sitting in bed doing things I won’t even remember in a year” – Victoria