The High Plains Library District is more than what you may envision as a traditional library. We have 14 physical locations throughout Weld County. We also bring our resources to you through our mobile and virtual services.
Not only are we a resource, but we are invested in your success.
Our Mission
Helping build Community
Our Vision
High Plains Library District gives access to answers for every question.
In order to achieve both our Mission and Vision, we are working to offer Work-Based Learning (WBL), resources, programs and experiences.
Our website and our physical locations offer a wealth of job and business-related resources in English and Spanish. Our Spanish-speaking business consultant will continue to develop and refine our offerings to the community. We also offer online databases and trainings to expand your knowledge and improve your skills.
As we developed our most recent strategic plan, we understood the need and desire for WBL from the community and are working integrate that into all we do. The District sees WBL as a vital part of our economic future and a way to provide opportunities to develop and keep talent local. We are currently designing our newest location, LINC Library Innovation Center. This facility will be located where the Greeley Tribune Building currently stands and will be a blend of library, innovation Center and children’s museum. WBL will be infused throughout all three elements of the building.
The High Plains Library District is passionate about connecting you with the knowledge and skills to better yourself and your workforce. We will continue to be a resource for the community and are proud to partner with Weld County Work-Based Learning Alliance.